by lisa lipsey

- Rock the Ribbon!
Join the National AIDS Trust and Rock the Red Ribbon! Or visit and learn about the USA’s World AIDS Day 2020 theme: Ending the HIV/AIDS Epidemic through Resilience and Impact.
- Join an online World AIDS Day Service.
Locally, join the World AIDS Day North County Zoom Service: December 1 at 6 p.m. For links and more, visit This event is a partnership with Pilgrim United Church of Christ, Fraternity House, the North County LGBTQ Resource Center and Vista Community Clinic.
- Watch/set your DVR to record the KPBS Explore San Diego documentary film “Expect a Miracle: Finding light in the darkness of a pandemic” December 1 at 8 p.m.
“Expect A Miracle,” by Emmy-nominated filmmaker Jonathan Hammond, tells the duel story of the AIDS crises in San Diego County and the story of Fraternity House, the only nonprofit housing program in North San Diego County that took in people near death so they could pass away in comfort and dignity.
- Give LOCAL: World AIDS Day and Giving Tuesday are the same day! Donate to a local HIV/AIDS service provider.
Each of our local HIV/AIDS service providers accept people from across San Diego County. This list does not include hospitals, universities and healthcare corporations— each of these agencies provides one or more of the following direct care and services: housing and care, meals, meal delivery, case management, transportation to medical appointments, moving services, childcare, support groups, mental health and substance use prevention, legal help, education and testing. Their services are free or are offered on a sliding scale. Google them and learn more! (Note: This list is not exhaustive, send your HIV/AIDS provider information to if we missed you!)
North County: Fraternity House, Inc., North County Health Services, North County LGBTQ Resource Center, Vista Community Clinic
San Diego/Hillcrest: Being Alive San Diego, Christie’s Place, Family Health Centers of San Diego, Josue House at Father’s Joes Villages, Mama’s Kitchen, Neighborhood House Association, The LGBTQ Center, San Diego POZabilities, Special Delivery, Stepping Stone of San Diego, San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program, San Diego Youth Services, and Townspeople
South Bay/East County: San Ysidro Health Center, Family Health Centers of San Diego
- Direct and Meaningful In-Kind Giving: Purchase a holiday gift for a Fraternity House, Inc. resident
Fraternity House, Inc. has created an Amazon Holiday Gift list. Select an item and Amazon will ship it to their Dignity Project team. It will be wrapped and given with a holiday greeting card. Deadline is December 18 for gift arrival, so please place your order soon!
- If you are in need of a service, please call 2-1-1 for referrals and support.
2-1-1 San Diego is social service information. They are open 24 hours a day and your call is always confidential.
- Read up and educate yourself! Talk to the young people in your life.
- Current Prevention efforts:
- Know Your Status/Stigma Stops with Me:
- Aging and HIV: 50% of people living with HIV are older adults according to the recent report by Grantmakers In Aging:
- Light a Candle and Take a Moment of Mindful Silence
Take a moment of reflection, World AIDS Day is a time to reflect on lives lost to AIDS, to consider how we can support those living with HIV/AIDS today, and to envision a future without HIV/AIDS.
- View the Virtual Version of the AIDS Memorial Quilt
You can now view the 48,000 quilt panels at They also have the guidelines for making a new quilt panel if you have a loved one you would like to honor.
- Create a ‘Banner of Hope’ for people living with HIV/AIDS in local residential care facilities that are on lockdown due to COVID-19.
Fraternity House, Inc. Board Member Lisa Lipsey (yes, the same Lisa that writes for RAGE Monthly) notes, “While we remain grateful that all Fraternity House, Inc. residents and staff have tested COVID free, we all sincerely miss our visiting volunteers and community outings. In searching for connection and ways to uplift our residents during the holidays, I was reminded of the ‘Hope Made Visible’ project at UCSD Moore’s Cancer Center. We are borrowing that idea by asking creative people to make a ‘Banner of Hope’ that will hang at our two residential care homes through the New Year.”
“We have very few banner rules,” continued Lipsey, “Please don’t include swear words, no logos, and remember that these banners will be hung-up. Gravity is not art’s friend! Be sure the items on your banner are well secured.”
Banner of Hope Deadline: Tuesday, December 15
Mail your Banner of Hope:
Fraternity House, Inc.
Attn: Lisa
202702 Elfin Forest Road
Escondido, CA 92029