by tony reverditto –

Five years ago, I did a sitting with Spirit Medium, Tim Braun, and I was blown away by how he could possibly know such specific things about my dearly departed loved ones. I knew it was time to catch up with him and share his latest insights.
Braun is an internationally renowned medium and has conducted more than 17,000 sittings over the past 22 years. Born in Whittier, California, he is the youngest of six children. He graduated from the University of Southern California with a bachelor of arts degree in interdisciplinary studies. Braun resides in Orange County with Kevin, his domestic partner for 24 years.
Braun said it is his desire and mission to heal those with grief of loss and to re-establish the ties that lost with those who are no longer with us. He believes our love is the link that allows us to connect with those on the other side.
Many of Braun’s clients have had their lives changed dramatically and been given hope that there is a place of beauty and joy that exists at the end of our lives on this Earth. Loved ones are there, and love doesn’t die, but is taken to this place called “the other side.”
He has been lecturing and reading for private clients for more than 22 years. Hollywood celebrities, renowned athletes and international corporate leaders have embraced him. Braun has appeared on television in Bravo’s The Orange County Housewives and the TLC network show, Sin City Rules, and has been interviewed on CBS Radio’s Sundays with Rolonda and The Good Life Radio Canada.
His first book Life and Death was published in 2015 simultaneously in the United States, England, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Italy, and he has been doing his work in those countries as well as in Ireland and Japan.

When did you first realize that you had this special gift of seeing spirit?
That was when I was 6 years of age, and at that time I started to see and hear spirit. At that time, I didn’t really know what it meant; I just thought it was quite normal. Then at that same time, my brother was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, so he was hearing voices and I was hearing voices and he was seeing and hearing things that I wasn’t, and I thought I was losing my mind. When I was 7, every time I saw spirit to the left, I would turn to the right, if I saw it on the left, I would turn to the right. I tried to ignore it as much as I could. It wasn’t until my early 20s that I allowed myself to open up again. That was about the time that I was finishing up college and going to India to work with Mother Teresa.
When we did our last interview and reading 5 years ago, you saw things that no one could possibly know. How do you spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and physically maneuver and know when to allow communication from the other side to come through?
Great question. Every time I do a sitting with my clients, whether is a large group like I saw with you at Pala Casino with 700-plus people or even if it is a one-on-one, I like to do a two-minute guided meditation. That basically tells spirit that I am working and that my barbershop light is turning and open for business. When I do my closing meditation, that is turning off that barber-shop light. It’s letting spirit know, don’t bother me anymore. When I open up, anything that comes to my mind, anything that I see, feel, hear or taste . . . I say it because it is coming from spirit. I have to trust that every time I am doing a sitting that I open up.
How do you navigate a reading with someone who has closed-off energy?
That’s more difficult. When a client comes to see me, all they must do is be open-minded with an open heart. They don’t have to say anything. If a person comes in extremely skeptical, closed down or negative, they block the energy. It doesn’t work nearly as well. I was doing a group of 12 people and this man was coming through talking about the old ‘57 Chevy and the guy said I don’t understand, that doesn’t make sense. His friend next to him said: “Don’t you get that? Your dad gave you a ‘57 Chevy.” The guy said: “Yeah, but that was a long time ago.” He was simply being pessimistic. That kind of attitude shuts it down considerably.

As a medium, you have experienced many supernatural phenomena from the other side, so what has surprised you the most?
One of the many things that come to mind is when I was doing a sitting for a 67-year-old client. So, her father through spirit kept saying “Please give my love to your brother and sister.” She said I only have a brother; I don’t have a sister. I said it three or more times during the sitting and she was getting annoyed with me. On her way out, I told her don’t forget to tell her brother and sister. She really thought that I was messing with her. She gave me a look and slammed the door and stormed off. About two weeks later, I get a call from her, crying hysterically, saying do you remember me. Of course, I did. She said I called my brother in New York to tell him the crap you were telling me and he said: “Well, it’s time that you know that dad had an affair back in the day and we have a half-sister!” She said, “I am 67 f***ing years of age, when do think it was time to tell me?” So, the moral of the story is that sometimes things come through that aren’t expected, and even surprise me.
What tool would you recommend for people to open up receptivity and awareness to the belief of an afterlife and making contact with those on the other side?
Daily meditation, whether it is 2 or 3 minutes or 15 to 20 minutes a day if you can find a quiet spot. Just close your eyes and sit there in silence is a great way to connect with spirit. Another suggestion is always to trust your instincts. As children, we possess that openness and receptivity. When we grow older, we don’t say things because it is not appropriate. A good example is a little 5-year-old boy is at a Catholic church and his mom says go give Father O’Reilly a hug and the boy resists saying, “I don’t want to do it,” the mother wants to take a picture of them together and he won’t do it. It is later revealed that this priest was not a good person. The child was picking up on it. Or on the flip side, the little boy runs up to a homeless person to give them a hug and the mom spanks him. When in reality this homeless person is actually a very kind person who fell on hard times. Bottom line, trust your intuition and senses with a relationship, person or job. It might look good, but if it doesn’t feel good always trust that.
Good advice. We have all been through an unimaginable crazy two years with this pandemic, so are there any rebound tools you can recommend for those who are having difficulty readjusting to the new normal?
I always suggest doing a gratitude journal. Every night before you go to sleep, write down five things that you are grateful for. If you duplicate on a given night, that’s alright as long as you mean it. For example, if you see someone at a bus stop, be grateful that you have a car; or if you are in good health, be grateful for that as so many people are not. Doing this daily will remind you of what you have and what others don’t have. Even the smallest little things make a difference. Sure, after the pandemic, you lost your job and finances are tight, but at least you are alive and walking and have the chance to turn things around.
How do you master a reading over the phone?
I always tell clients that is all by thought whether you are sitting in person or doing it by phone. Those that are coming through from spirit are sending it through via thought. If you really want to have the best experience, make sure you meditate beforehand for maybe 10 or 15 minutes. If not meditation, sit quietly making sure there are no distractions. If you are in a quiet space like I am, it works just as well.
Is there something in your career path that you would like to achieve outside of the life-changing work that you have accomplished thus far?
I would really love to do a TV show and hit mass audiences to help as many people as I can. But it would have to be done in the right way without all the negative drama that a lot of shows have. That is definitely a goal.
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