~ by joel martens ~

Founded in 2001 by Aidan Key and a small, dedicated group of volunteers who wanted to build on the earlier work of transgender pioneers, Gender Odyssey began as a conference focused on the needs of those on the trans masculine spectrum.
In 2007 they expanded, creating the first stand-alone national conference for families of gender diverse and transgender children. Since those early days Gender Odyssey has evolved into an international conference that focuses on the needs and interests of transgender and gender diverse children, their families and supporters, as well as the professionals who serve them.
The event attracts hundreds from across North America and around the world, offering more than 70 informative and empowering workshops, films, receptions and performances, with a chance to make lifelong friends.
For 2019, Gender Odyssey is coming to San Diego from Thursday, August 1 to Sunday, August 4 offering several opportunities for learning, connection and awareness. A Professional Program for professionals seeking to advance their understanding of gender diversity and transgender identities in children, teens and adults. A Family Program for families working to navigate the day-to-day realities of raising a gender-diverse or transgender child. A Youth & Young Adult Program featuring dynamic tracks and ample social time for youth (13-18) and young adults (19-22).
Children under 13 admitted for free. For tickets and more information or to register, go to genderodyssey.org.