San Diego Pride 2019: A Legacy Of Liberation – Celebrating Our Pioneer Spirit

by tim parks ~ When you say the word “pride,” more than likely it applies to one’s self and the individual connotations surrounding it. Imagine for a moment if you will, there was no such thing as Pride, with none of the hard-fought rights we’ve won as a community. None of which would have been […]
Cynthia Erivo – What Makes a Voice Legendary?

by joel martens Best known to U.S. audiences for her performance as Celie in the 2015 Broadway musical revival of The Color Purple, Cynthia Erivo took New York by storm, winning the 2016 Tony Award for Best Actress in a Musical as well as the 2017 Grammy Award for Best Musical Theater Album. Her journey […]

PORTRAITS OF A YOUNG MAN ~ by joel martens ~ The world is as different as it can be, but when you get down to it, what makes us all human and connected, really has not. We are emotional beings who love, feel pain, have successes and suffer losses, eventualities that have forever driven writers […]
Todd Gloria & The EQCA Equality Awards: Striving For a Healthy, Just, and Fully-Equal World

~ by joel martens ~ Equality California (EQCA) is the nation’s largest statewide civil rights organization. Its nearly 800,000 members work to bring the voices of LGBTQ people and our allies into the institutions and power centers throughout California and across the United States. They do this by “electing pro-equality leaders, passing pro-equality legislation in […]

#JUSTUNITE & COME TOGETHER ~ by joel martens ~ There’s a lot of talk about the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots this year, what a unifying moment it was when queer people fought back, and what it means to the LGBTQ community. New York is often made the epicenter of the gay rights movement […]