by tim parks – San Diego Pride has always been a yearly occasion that is a much-anticipated celebration, one that affords a very public presence to express all the diversity that our community represents within the LGBTQ acronym. In recent years, the three-day event – which includes the Spirit of Stonewall Rally, the Pride Parade […]
RAGE REVIEWS: Covid Home Vid

by chris carpenter – Like most of my fellow Americans, I’ve been living under a “shelter in place” order the last few weeks thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. Working primarily from home, however, has given me the opportunity to catch up on A LOT of online, streaming, and backlogged home video releases. When life gives […]
Ariana and The Rose

Constellations: Fine Tuning and Discovery by tim parks Shakespeare’s “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet…” is the perfect quote to characterize the music of Ariana and the Rose, due to the tangible inclusiveness they offer in illustrating the human condition. Set to a synthesized beat, each song definitely tells a story […]
Cheyenne Jackson: The Life of a Family Man

FROM AMERICAN HORROR STORY TO DISNEY’S LORD OF THE UNDERWORLD by joel martens What can I say? We have a fascination with Mr. Cheyenne Jackson. He’s a handsome, talented, gay man who is super-funny and plays sexy, dark characters who have a tendency to live on the wild side. On American Horror Story’s fifth season, […]
Bill Hardt Presents: Three Parties, Three Great Talents

DJ Aron, Beth Sacks & Zoë Badwi by joel martens San Diego Pride is upon us and the choice of parties and entertainment is truly endless. The “must do” parties are always the originals that have stood the test of time and Bill Hardt’s world-famous trifecta are the ones not to miss: Circuit Daze, Zoo […]
San Diego Pride 2019: A Legacy Of Liberation – Celebrating Our Pioneer Spirit

by tim parks ~ When you say the word “pride,” more than likely it applies to one’s self and the individual connotations surrounding it. Imagine for a moment if you will, there was no such thing as Pride, with none of the hard-fought rights we’ve won as a community. None of which would have been […]
Murray Bartlett & Tales of The City: Michael Tolliver Lives Again!

~ by joel martens ~ Murray Bartlett went to acting school in Australia and successfully worked there for a number of years, though he felt restless. The industry there is small, so there’s not many opportunities and a lot of actors who want to work. In his 20’s Bartlett, like many of us, was asking […]
A Million Reasons To Be Proud: Long Beach Lesbian & Gay Pride 2019

by tim parks The 36th Long Beach Lesbian and Gay Pride theme of “A Million Moments of Pride” is in line with celebrating those milestones, both as individuals and a community as a whole, that have propelled us forward in our quest for true equality. The other part of the focus for this year’s Pride […]
From Africa, with Love: Coréon Dú – a Proud Angolan, Queer Artist, and Defender Of LGBTQ Rights

~ by joel martens ~ José Eduardo Paulino dos Santos, better known as Coréon Dú is a phenome. His creative streak surfaced when he began writing melodies and music as a tender young child. By the age of 17 he began working in the advertising industry and soon after moving on to fashion agencies. A […]
Alan Cumming: A One-Man Powerhouse and ‘Legal Immigrant’

~ by joel martens ~ What can one say about this adorable Scotsman? Beside the fact that his accent is totally tantalizing, this self-proclaimed “naughty boy” has a wickedly-irreverent sense of humor. On top of that, he can sing and dance, his acting chops are legendary, he writes, directs and produces, campaigns for LGBTQ rights, […]