It’s been 10 years since the world first gagged over the now-famous Alyssa Edwards tongue pop. Since then, this pageant queen has traveled the world, has her own show on Netflix, and guided an impeccable dance crew to the semifinals of America’s Got Talent. Now, this leading lady is gearing up for a new adventure: […]

by lisa lipsey The RAGE Monthly constantly challenges me to conquer my fears. I get nervous before interviews, worried I will get star-struck and tongue-tied, or ask a dumb question. I am sure I have. Since The RAGE Monthly’s inception, and hundreds of interviews later, I can say there are just two people whom I forgot to be nervous around. Both are comedians, […]
Remembering Doris Day with Julien’s Auctions – Property from the Estate of Doris Day

by bill biss – “You smile the song begins, you speak and I hear violins… It’s magic.” Such will always be the case regarding Doris Day. A remarkable woman whose voice, smile, humor and beauty transcends time. What exactly did Day do? Not only was she one of the most-loved singers of the 20th Century, […]
Steven Fales’ Tells His Story – True ‘Confessions’ Proves To Be Cathartic

by tim parks – In 2000, Steven Fales probably didn’t figure that his ex-communication by the Mormon Church would prove to be the catalyst for unexpected changes that he couldn’t have predicted. Granted, his world had been turned upside down and took some shadowy turns, until he realized there was a different way that he […]
Lorna Luft: A Legacy of Talent That’s Her Own

by bill biss – Lorna Luft, the only daughter of Judy Garland and Sid Luft has “lived it” and she sure has a lot more living to do! Before heading to London, this star is performing at Martinis Above Fourth Table + Stage on Wednesday, September 18 and Thursday, September 19 in her own cabaret. […]
In The Thick of It With David Mixner: Lessons From a Political Legend

~ by joel martens ~ One of the LGBTQ community’s great elder statesmen, David Mixner has been at the center of American politics and social change for the last 60 years. He’s helped to organize and lead countless fights since picketing and sending his own money as a teen to Martin Luther King Jr. during […]
Brittany Runs a Marathon: Beyond the Obvious With Director Paul Downs Colaizzo

~ by joel martens ~ Being the brunt of a joke is a trope that the media industry has relied upon for a very long time. The “Nellie” gay guy, the ditzy, dumb blonde or the funny fat girl are all characters we all know and have laughed at. Outliers who don’t always get that […]
Cheyenne Jackson: The Life of a Family Man

FROM AMERICAN HORROR STORY TO DISNEY’S LORD OF THE UNDERWORLD by joel martens What can I say? We have a fascination with Mr. Cheyenne Jackson. He’s a handsome, talented, gay man who is super-funny and plays sexy, dark characters who have a tendency to live on the wild side. On American Horror Story’s fifth season, […]
Melissa Etheridge – It’s The Journey, Not The Destination

by tim parks – Someone who embodies San Diego Pride’s pioneer spirit is Melissa Etheridge. In 1993, she very publicly flung open her closet door at the Triangle Ball, a gay celebration of President Bill Clinton’s first inauguration. So, it’s no surprise the name she chose for her breakthrough album, released in the same year, […]
Bill Hardt Presents: Three Parties, Three Great Talents

DJ Aron, Beth Sacks & Zoë Badwi by joel martens San Diego Pride is upon us and the choice of parties and entertainment is truly endless. The “must do” parties are always the originals that have stood the test of time and Bill Hardt’s world-famous trifecta are the ones not to miss: Circuit Daze, Zoo […]